Friday, July 20, 2012

My Thoughts On Gun Control

if a picture is worth a thousand words, i've got 4 of them... so, i think this is all i need to say.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Who Me?

Back in high school I used to work at a race track. The track was called The Zone Fast Track in Orem Utah and while it was super ghetto it was a dream high school job. Greasy hands, tons of girls coming in (so what if they were on dates, I was smooth), and we had the ability to listen to what ever music we wanted. Could life have been better, I submit that it could not!  The Zone is no longer in business, I don't think it could stay a float without me  ;) I was the tracks head mechanic and learned a lot about work and business from that place, a lot of what NOT to do!

I also worked there with one of my best friends Reed. Reed and I always joked about how I needed to start a TV show called "Garrison's Garage".  It would be something that would be full of my normal cynicism and be a way of teaching little brats how to actually work for a change instead of just bloating their cholesterol levels in front of TVs . Well I now have a little brat of my own, a cute one at that, and although I don't have a TV show to teach her maybe this blog can be another tool that can leave a positive effect on her and others I know.  My wife also blogs very regularly. She uses her blog as a type of journal of her thoughts, life, and projects. I want to be more involved and hopefully this is a way that I can be involved (without messing up her blog!) 

I will leave that as a all the introduction. Any average online stalker can find any other information about me on their own accord without my help. For now I will just see what I can share with family, friends, baby Bayli, and try to keep track of some memories for the future!